StealthSense Technology

Higher Reliability and Cleaner Aesthetics with Our Exclusive StealthSense Technology

Featuring our patent-pending StealthSense Technology, you’re able to achieve both a cleaner look and higher reliability thanks to the elimination of the 12VHPWR sense wires.

Cleaner Aesthetics

Our patent-pending StealthSense Technology utilizes a new hidden bridge that removes the sense wires altogether.

No more unsightly “wire loops” used by competitors –  you get a cleaner, more aesthetically pleasing cable, making our StealthSense cables the best looking 12VHPWR cables available today.

Full 600W Power Available

Thanks to our patent-pending design, this all-new connector features a hidden bridge which signals to the GPU that a full 600W* is available to be used.

*Subject to PSU specifications

Higher Reliability

With the removal of the tiny and fragile sense wires, you can now use your graphics card at peak performance without the fear of black screens and 100% fan utilization.

Fully Configurable

Of course, you can configure your very own cable using the CableMod Configurator.

Select the ideal lengths and colors on a whim using our industry-leading interface and get your 12VHPWR StealthSense cable made-to-order!

12VHPWR StealthSense Cable Kits

12VHPWR StealthSense Replacement Cables

12VHPWR StealthSense Extension Kits